Sunday, June 9, 2013

Give it Time. It's all His Plan.


You've read the title! 

Good for you! 

Most people probably wouldn't even make it that far. 

But you're different. 

I like you. 

Anywho.... To my new readers, welcome aboard! I hope everyone keeps coming back! 

I've been thinking a lot about this post for a while now {that's probably why I haven't posted anything in a while}. 

The topic of today's chat is waiting. Being patient. Sometimes you don't even realize it, but you're waiting. Maybe you're waiting for something to happen. Maybe you're waiting for something to develop. Maybe you have no clue what you're waiting for. 
Let me tell you about my un-seen waiting story. 

The last day of school. Every students favorite day. 2012. I get home and, like a typical teenage girl, pull out my iPod touch. I look and see I have a text from an unknown number showing up on my texting app I was using. Obviously they knew me. Why else would the only part I could read at the time say "Hey Sarah! It's officially summer break!" As I opened the text, I found out it was from one of the leaders and mentors and sweet friends at GLAM Ministries, a ministry mentoring young girls for which I am greatly passionate about, presenting me and my mentor with a summer project. She was wanting us to make a video for their website about our relationship as mentor and mentee. Now, my mentor Aaron and I had only been "officially" mentor and mentee for about 2-3 months, so we were just getting started. 

So one afternoon we decided to make the video while the 1 1/2 year old napped. 

We had to decide WHAT we were going to film. After brainstorming, we came up with an idea, put it into action, and made a video. Nothing fancy, just a bunch of video clips strung together with some music. 

We decided to let THE GLAM leader check out the video before we sent it in officially. She gave us some things to tweak. But sadly, something happened to the video and we lost it. That's right. Lost it. 

Then we got to thinking. You know, that really wasn't what we had in mind to film. Didn't tell much about our relationship or any advice to the other teenage girls out there. 

We were going to film another video, but just never got around to it. Life happened. 

So recently I was thinking. That was a year ago. What would I have said to the camera a year ago? Hi. I'm Sarah. That's it.?? 

I believe God has given us this year to grow even more. We have learned so much about each other and really gotten to grow in our relationship. 

What does all this have to do with waiting? Well, all of this year that's gone by, I didn't realize I was waiting. I was waiting for our relationship to grow. 
I think this year has really shown me a lot. I've met my best friend, recommitted my life, and found a great accountability partner, and so. Much. More. 

So I want to encourage you. As you go throughout your time on earth, look for how you can grow and be patient. If something doesn't work out, think about why. 

God has a plan. He also has perfect timing. Don't rush it.


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